If any Op Ivy news comes up i will post it here. (but its not likely, seeing as the band has broken up)
New Operation Ivy DVD out of the first show. For more info click below.
Click here to buy the DvD
June 27th, 2004
Operation Ivy will be on the Vol. 2 of Rock Against Bush Comp. with Unity.
June 22nd 2004
Jesse Michaels Wrote This For
It's Time To Take Whatever Measures We Can
I am anti-Bush, anti-war, and especially anti-Haliburton, anti-Rockwell International, anti-Exxon, and all the other multinational
corporations that currently control our government and foreign policy. I urge you to take action, do what your conscience
suggests, but I would recommend taking a look at the book The Best Democracy Money Can Buy before casting your ballot. Like
Fat Mike, I hate talking about politics but somebody has to these days, our country is in a very dangerous place and if there
is a prolonged war as a result of American global aggression, the consequences will come to our nice little suburbs. We will
all feel it. I am not talking about terrorism, I am talking about no money for schools, increased militarism and invasion
of privacy, conscription, an end to social services as we know them, zero funding for the arts, and other ramifications of
living under the rule of a War President. (Bushs quote). Already, our children are going to be paying for the massive amounts
of money being handed over to the robber barons of the defense and oil industries by the thugs and manipulators in the White
House. We should take whatever measures we can to avoid this or other disasters!
To Buy "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" click below